Sunday, August 25, 2019

Our Identity Cabinet

This vintage printers box is a sweet old thing. Each year, the children and I find something
to collect in it. The tiny sections seem to just beg for tiny things - often items from nature,
like little acorns or other seeds, or even the smallest of skulls. This year, we will use it as
part of our Identity Project. 

Children have probably received by now a welcome postcard with a rather mysterious note.
Something to the effect of finding small things that show the world who they are, and answers
the question, “what makes you, you?” These items need to be able to fit into our Identity
Cabinet, so they need to be quite petite – no bigger that the size of the rectangle drawn on the
collection bag that will be sent home on the first day of school (about 2 inches by 3 inches).
The depth of each rectangle is one inch. so keep that in mind as well. Some of the spots are
even smaller (1 inch by 2 inches), so don’t be afraid to go tiny!

Our Identity Cabinet will be a cherished part of our classroom for several months, and will
also be on display for others to see. We will label our selections with our names and why it is
part of our identity. For instance, I will bring in a tiny ball of yarn because I am a knitter, a small
die to show that I am a teacher of math (as well as other things), and other items. These things
are all part of what makes me, me.

Each child may bring in 5-7 things to share. We will be sharing these items and adding them to
our cabinet on Wednesday - Friday, September 4- 6, whenever we have a few moments of quiet

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