Friday, May 24, 2019

This Week in Review - May 20 - 24

                                        This information is also found in Walter's weekly update:

The big day finally arrived! Our seed sale was a big success, and a wonderful culminating event to our weeks-long study of seeds. Children made beautiful advertisements, artfully arranged their wares, and sold every packet.

On Tuesday, Naturalist Kelsey took us on our spring nature walk. The woods were alive with all sorts of spring blooms – trillium, bloodroot, jack in the pulpit, and wild geranium. It is a wonderful time to take a stroll in any of our lovely parks. We found a quiet place to spread out and have a moment of mindful, quiet awareness – and then Kelsey gave each child a special little gift to remember how special nature is, and how important it is to take care of her.

On Thursday, we did a science experiment in the classroom to practice the scientific method. Students made a prediction, carried out an experiment where only one variable was different, and drew a conclusion based on their observations. What pops more kernels, “normal” popcorn or heirloom popcorn?

In math, we just started a new probability game with two dice – an offshoot of PIG, called SKUNK. Children are deciding if their strategy needs to changed, based on the new rules. We also circled back and are revisiting on of the first games we play in math – the Place Value Game. Turns out, this is also a probability game!

We started a new chapter book that is very sweet and special – Bob, by Wendy Mass and Rebecca Stead. Grace’s class is reading it as well, and since they were enjoying it so much we wanted to get in on the action. So far, we are a couple chapters in and hooked.

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