Friday, March 8, 2019

Weekly Update - March 4 - 8

                        This information is also found in Walter's weekly update:

This week we celebrated the 100th day of school! It was later than usual due to the snow days, ice days, and cold days we have had – but we made it. Can spring be far behind? The children were very excited to reach our goal of 100 items of food, and we will soon plan our trip to donate to food insecure families. Many, many thanks to all of our amazing families for helping us reach our goal.

In math class, we continue our work with money. We are playing with real coins whenever we can, and the children are getting increasingly comfortable counting and making exchanges. A new game introduced this week was Race to $1.00.
We also naturally did a lot of counting and grouping by making all of those origami butterflies for the 100th day, and making sure we made our food drive goal!

No spelling this week, but we did a lot of writing. Our myth project is coming along really well. We also heard from Jackson and Phoebe – two excellent readers. Our poem, Never Mind, March, expressed our real hope for Spring weather – even with below 0 wind chills right outside the window.

During shared 1st/2nd grade time, we worked on two different and special projects. On Monday, students designed wishing well coins for our fundraiser, Eudaimonia. They could choose their own designs – the letters S-K, our school, a dragon, or an enchanted forest.

 On Thursday, Finley’s mama came in with all the materials for the children to make their own individual volcanoes out of salt dough! That is a LOT of flour and salt (and not a little mess after it was all done, I’m afraid). Many, many thanks to Aubree for this thrilling and engaging activity. On Monday, we will paint and design our creations, and listen to both factual books and myths about volcanoes. Then on Thursday, we will do experiments with our volcanoes for some explosive results!

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