Friday, March 1, 2019

Weekly Update - February 25 - March 1

                     This information is also found in Walter's weekly update:

This was a very busy week, full of myths, magic, and all sorts of fun, hands-on happenings. And just like that, it’s March!

In my math class, we continue to be all about the money! The children and I have made our own math game – a version of “I Have – Who Has?” – that is excellent practice for coin counting. Clean Up the Money continues to be a favorite game as well. Excellent individual progress is being made in the Singapore math books, and several children have recently passed assessments and are proud recipients of new books.

Ian and Alex were our Special Readers this week. I’m sorry I missed their turns as I was out with the flu, but I heard they did a great job. We illustrated a beautiful poem called February Twilight to say goodbye to the month, and read many sweet moon stories and myths. Our writing projects this week included doing a book review for our last chapter book, The Magician’s Boy. According to the students, this was a 5 star choice! Another writing project had us brainstorming and starting our first drafts of our own myths. Our final projects are a long way away, but will be eventually illustrated and bound in a classroom collection.

Project time with Grace’s class are always fun and this week was no exception. On Monday, after reading A Big Mooncake for Little Star, students made yummy moon cakes together. 

On Thursday, we talked about the different between a myth and a legend, and then read a Michigan legend about the Petoskey stone. Then each child got a Petoskey stone to sand with three different grits of sandpaper, and then finish with a special polish. These could be taken home at the end of the day.

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