Saturday, December 2, 2017

Weekly Update - November 27 - December 1

This information also found in Walter's weekly email:

On Friday morning, we finally made it to 6-digit Yahtzee! As a special treat, we had Wendy’s math group come and play with us. 

Great progress is being made in the math books as well, and we are solidifying our understanding of subtraction with renaming. This is a math-loving bunch, and they all groan when math time is over, and some beg to do their math books during free time. Seriously!

We continued some of our well-established routines this week, after a short and non-routine Thanksgiving week. Spelling, poetry anthologies, quiet reading, and reading from The BFG. We heard from two very Special Readers, Sophia (her first time!) and Alex. Children enjoyed an group storytelling activity based on the BFG - that brought a lot of laughs. In writing, students are enjoying writing their dreams down for our dream jars (trogglehumpers or fizzwizzards) during free writing times, and we also finished The Best Part of Me writing project, inspired by a book of the same name.

A special trip this week was a jaunt to the Westgate Branch of the AADL with Grace’s class. It was a quick trip, and I know the students would love to go back with their families for a longer visit.

We also got to work with Grace’s class in science this week, as Shan led a culminating lesson in potential and kinetic energy. Pairs of children stretched rubber bands to different lengths, giving them different amounts of potential energy. When they released the band, it was quickly converted to kinetic energy. Partners investigated the relationship between the potential energy and kinetic energy by measuring how far the band flies when it is stretched to different lengths. They did several trials at each length, and kept their information on a data table.

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