So far, it has worked out pretty well to have our "Special Reader" event to happen directly before French class on
Wednesday morning, from about 10:40 to 11:00. If a child comes with a longer book, the second reader may
have to be rescheduled. This has happened a couple of times. Normally, though, both readers have had time.
A reminder of how it works:
Two children will come prepared to read a special book aloud to their classmates. This book should be picked out
at home and practiced several times for increased fluency and expression. Shorter, funny picture books are the
most popular with audience members, although children have also had success reading joke/riddle books, short
mystery stories, poetry, and other types of literature.
Not only does this time give the readers a chance to become better readers, it also gives the rest of the class a
chance to practice being good audience members. We are learning to listen with not only our ears, but with our
eyes, mouths, and hearts.
Already scheduled:
January 10 - Miles and Nels
January 10 - Miles and Nels
And here is the roster for the fourth go-round:
January 17 - Dillon and Lexi
January 24 - Mia and Mila
January 31 - August and Jackson
January 24 - Mia and Mila
January 31 - August and Jackson
February 7 - Miles and Ian
February 21 - Alex and Sophia
February 28 - Nels and Dillon
February 28 - Nels and Dillon
Parents, of course, are welcome to be in the audience as well.
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