Thursday, March 9, 2017

This Week in Review - March 6 - 9

This information also found in Walter's weekly email:

It was pretty much business as usual in our 1st/2nd grade classroom. We wrote in our memory books, made good progress with our "How to Multiply" book in math class, and are enjoying listening to Henry and Ribsy on CD. Morning Mindfulness continues to be something that brings us and many classroom parents joy and peace in the morning. This week, after listening to "A Safe Place", children were encouraged to draw what they thought of as their place of calm and happiness. 

We had one special event: On Wednesday morning, a librarian and story teller visited from the AADL. This was a nice event, especially since we've been visiting each of the branches throughout the year.

Sessions 3 and 4 of our current Spring EB took place on Monday and Wednesday, and students have wonderful reports of fun happenings - students in CSI are narrowing in on their suspect, children in Toys made adorable stuffed animals, and the students in Pasta made orecchiette and linguine with lemon butter sauce. 

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