Thursday, January 26, 2017

This Week in Review - January 23 - 27

This information will also be found in Walter's weekly email:

This week was a mix of our usual routines and fun surprises. In math, we continued our work using the book 1001 Things to Spot in the Sea. This is great practice for adding many numbers together using different tools and techniques. We also rediscovered how much fun it is to play the Place Value Game. We are now learning how to say numbers up the 100 millions place.

We worked on our Steig Stories, and had our first “published piece”. The children are so encouraging to each other on their journeys to become authors. Of course we also illustrated and recited poems, had Special Readers, and corrected sentences to be grammatically correct. We are still enjoying The Phantom Tollbooth and have done some work with homophones.

Special events included a field trip to the library, making edible bird houses, and listening to the choir.  Lego, knitting projects, mazes, and drawing continue to be popular free time choices. We hope for snow every day.

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