Wednesday, January 25, 2017

February Events

Although February is the shortest month of the year, we always have plenty of special activities planned. Take a look, and mark your calendars!

On Thursday, February 9th, Elaine’s class and our class will be going to The Wild Swan Theater to see Drum Me a Story.

On Tuesday, February 14th, we will exchange valentines. I will send out an email to all with each child's name. Handmade valentines always appreciated, although I also have a special fondness for those cheesy little ones you can buy. Small treats are fine, but please make them non-food as we have allergies we need to be especially aware of. Children will be decorating collection boxes at school, and I supply the boxes.

Flea Market Math is a special math event now being planned for Thursday, February 16. Irma and Flo will be back in action, ready to ring up some sales and do some math. Please bring in those treasures this week.

Also on the 16th, we will be going on a Winter Walk with Naturalist Kelsey.

Friday, February 17th is our annual all-school skating party. It is a fine way to celebrate the beginning of mid-winter break.

Mid-Winter Break is Monday, February 20 - Friday, February 24. 

The 100th Day of school is Wednesday, March 1st.
The past couple of years we have been marking this by having a food drive. Please consider donating a few cans of food for the food bank. We would love to have at least 100 cans to donate. A box will be placed outside our classroom door soon.

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