Friday, December 23, 2016

Thirty Sets of Pajamas Collected - Thank You!

This year, the children and families in K-2 collected 30 sets of cozy pajamas. This is for The Great Pajama Drive sponsored every year by the good people at Scholastic Books. Your generous and lovely donation will go to Ann Arbor Safe House, and 30 local children will be having warmer and cozier nights soon. Thank You.

Social awareness and advocacy - giving back to the community - is vital to ensure our children grow up to be empathetic, giving, and compassionate people. If we can teach them that they can indeed "be the change they want to see in the world", I think we are in good hands. So far, our little classroom of peaceful warriors has given animals to families in desperate need through Heifer Foundation, and has made it possible for a turkey vulture to be cared for at Leslie Science and Nature Center. Now, they can go to bed knowing that they helped another child right here in their own town.

Our next project is coming soon - we hope to collect 100 cans of food for the 100th day of school. These cans will be delivered to a local food pantry to help food insecure families.

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