Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Read to Feed a Success - Children Making a Difference!

Today was a hugely anticipated day - the day we finally found out how much money we raised for Heifer International Read to Feed. Drumroll, please! ..... $600.00!

I began today by reading a true story about a woman who raised goats for Heifer, appropriately named, The Goat Lady. It is a sweet, sweet story about a person who may seem "weird" on the outside, but is truly generous and goodhearted. Of course, children are the first people who recognize her goodness, and look past her shabby dress and unkempt yard - isn't that always the way?

Then we read about all the different animals we could buy with our earned money. The water buffalo was a favorite because it provides so many gifts - plowing power, milk, manure. And by renting their water buffalo to other families, families can earn cash.

Luckily, with $600.00, we didn't have to compromise. After a vote, three animals were chosen as favorites - the water buffalo, the goat, and chickens. Doing extensive math, we decided on 1 water buffalo ($250.00), 2 goats ($240.00), 2 flocks of chickens ($40.00). We still had enough money for a rabbit ($60.00), even though that was not an animal that was voted for. The children are very pleased with their selections, and are thrilled that they are capable of helping at least 6 families (plus more and more as the gift keeps on giving).

Thank you to all who have supported this program and our young readers. It is so important for children to realize their collective power to make a difference in this world - now, more than ever.

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