Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Poetry Workshop with Christine and Jeff

Part of what makes Summers-Knoll such an incredible place is the support we get from our parent population. Take for example this morning, when we were visited by Christine Hume and Jeff Clark, parents of the lovely Juna (now in 3rd grade). The fact that there were willing to come in to lead a poetry workshop with 28 students, even when the group did not include their own child, is an example of pure community spirit and love. Thank you, from all of the first and second graders and their grateful teachers!

The poems we wrote today are part of our monthly theme of Identity. They will become part of a larger collaboration with art class, as Tracy and the students are working on their "identity boxes". I can't wait to see the finished projects - they are sure to be sweet and very meaningful.

After listening to some examples of imagery in writing, the students were given a template to fill out. Then copies were made, and the copied poem was cut apart on the lines. The lines were all scrambled up and then glued/taped today in a random order to create yet another poem! This was such a creative way to create and recreate a piece of writing, and children were very pleased with the results.

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